Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Person Behind The Mask Essay Example For Students
The Person Behind The Mask Essay THE PERSON BEHIND THE MASKIt had all begun when he was a little boy. One year a circus had come to town. In the morning a big parade was held in main street. He could see the clowns walking around making people laugh. He would watch the clowns` faces as they walked by. The big noses and the funny walks made him feel happy.It was poor times, and his father was out of work. His family couldnt afford any material benefits, but each year his father collected enough money so that he could take his son to the circus. Hand in hand they would walk to the circus, just a couple of blocks away. He would have a big smile on his face, because it was the only time he would feel better than his friends. For a whole year he would dream of the clowns in the circus ring. Imagine their grimace, funny walks and pranks on each other. The tight- rope walker and the elephants were amusing, but they werent the highlight. He was certain; He would be a clown when he became older. We will write a custom essay on The Person Behind The Mask specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now After many years, he changed town and started on a career as an accountant in a big company. Nobody knew him better than by name, and nobody cared. He just sat there behind his desk, working, day after day, week after week. He was an every chiefs dream. But he was also a lonely man with no friends who would say; How are we today?His colleagues envied him, so they froze him out. He could see the guys meet in a corner. Whispering and giving him looks. He tried to be a pal, but they didnt want him to. He was the average guy, with average pay and an average apartment. But he wasnt miserable. Of course hed like some friends and a girlfriend to talk with, but since he didnt have any, he thought it was the way it was supposed to be. His job was to earn money and sit behind his desk smiling to everybody. Since nobody cared, they didnt know about his hobby. For a few years ago, a dream of his had fulfilled when he got a week to prove his ability as a clown in the towns circus. He had been a g reat success in his evaluation period, and was hired at once. Each night he would become the clown Baltasar. The salary was lousy, but he didnt do it for money. Just the looks on the childrens faces was enough for him. In the ring he would blow a trumpet and kick the other clowns` bottom. Then he would be one of the guys. Late every evening he would return to his home, satisfied and tired. A big smile would cover his face when he went to sleep, knowing that everybody liked him. The next day, he pretended as if nothing had happened. He would sit as usual with a big smile on his face, and as usual nobody cared. Then one day one of his colleagues in the company suggested for the others that they would make an outing to the circus, not knowing that he was a clown there. When he realised that they werent going to invite him, he just said to himself;Well, well. Perhaps another time The evening they were going to the show, he was supposed to be Baltasar. Like normal he became a great success with everybody laughing of him, including the companys employees. The very next day, his colleagues were whispering behind his back as normal. But they were also talking about the magnificent clown they had seen at the circus. He felt very flattered, but that didnt help him since they didnt know about him and Baltasar. .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d , .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d .postImageUrl , .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d , .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d:hover , .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d:visited , .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d:active { border:0!important; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d:active , .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2e8f94134ab1a601d1ac6cb96e69da4d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Stranger from Lagos EssayA week later, the circus manager called for Baltasar. The company, which he worked for, wanted to hire Baltasar to entertain in a party. Totally certain of the fact that he wasnt going to be invited, he accepted. Maybe this will be my final chance to show them, he thought to himself. At the party he started to do his usual trickery, and he became a great success. But he didnt dare to take his mask of, to show his colleagues. Then suddenly in an act, he lost his mask. And just as sudden they went quiet. Not a sound could be heard. Everybody was staring at him, wondering if it could be the dull man from the office. They slowly started to realise that after all he wasnt such a boring man. They had been mistaken and willing to give him a fresh start. From that time on, his life started blooming. He became one of the guys and continued to work in the company. He never left his hobby- job as a clown. It was the passion of his life. Category: English
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Swifts Perception Of Mankind
Spenc Swift’s Perception of Mankind In Gulliver’s Travel’s, a classic work of high adventure and political satire first published in 1726, author Jonathan Swift contemplates both the fanciful imaginings of world travel and the oftentimes governmental structures of 18th century Europe. The novel can be both enjoyed and understood on two levels: on the surface it is a story of intrigue and adventure, but the underlying theme of the novel is one of political analysis and social criticism. As the title character wanders through various foreign lands, he sees different forms and styles of government in action; forms of government similar to those found in England and continental Europe during Swift’s own life and career. Swift’s distrust and dislike of the ruling authority in his own native England is not symbolized throughout the reading, and an overall rejection of European government and society is an important thematic element of the novel. Swift – through Gulliver – seems to l ong for the Utopian society found in the land of the Houyhnhnms. Gulliver’s Travels – whether read as a simple story of fantasy or a intellectual social critique – stands the test of time and remains an important and highly readable piece of literature almost 300 years after it was written. Gulliver’s Travels leaves the reader with the strong impression that Swift was disappointed with mankind in general, as is evidenced by his critiques of the human species. Nevertheless, he seems hopeful about the possible future redemption of humanity, and holds himself up as the model example of the reasonable man. The first two voyages to Lilliput and Brobdingnag focus primarily on the negative aspects of English government and society, while the third and fourth voyages to Laputa and the Houyhnhnms are more general critiques of basic human nature. Much of Swift’s social critique is seen in implicit symbolism, most obviously in the descriptions of ... Free Essays on Swifts Perception Of Mankind Free Essays on Swifts Perception Of Mankind Spenc Swift’s Perception of Mankind In Gulliver’s Travel’s, a classic work of high adventure and political satire first published in 1726, author Jonathan Swift contemplates both the fanciful imaginings of world travel and the oftentimes governmental structures of 18th century Europe. The novel can be both enjoyed and understood on two levels: on the surface it is a story of intrigue and adventure, but the underlying theme of the novel is one of political analysis and social criticism. As the title character wanders through various foreign lands, he sees different forms and styles of government in action; forms of government similar to those found in England and continental Europe during Swift’s own life and career. Swift’s distrust and dislike of the ruling authority in his own native England is not symbolized throughout the reading, and an overall rejection of European government and society is an important thematic element of the novel. Swift – through Gulliver – seems to l ong for the Utopian society found in the land of the Houyhnhnms. Gulliver’s Travels – whether read as a simple story of fantasy or a intellectual social critique – stands the test of time and remains an important and highly readable piece of literature almost 300 years after it was written. Gulliver’s Travels leaves the reader with the strong impression that Swift was disappointed with mankind in general, as is evidenced by his critiques of the human species. Nevertheless, he seems hopeful about the possible future redemption of humanity, and holds himself up as the model example of the reasonable man. The first two voyages to Lilliput and Brobdingnag focus primarily on the negative aspects of English government and society, while the third and fourth voyages to Laputa and the Houyhnhnms are more general critiques of basic human nature. Much of Swift’s social critique is seen in implicit symbolism, most obviously in the descriptions of ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
New York State Unit Study - Geography, State Symbols Facts
New York State Unit Study - Geography, State Symbols Facts These state unit studies are designed to help children learn the geography of the United States and learn factual information about every state. These studies are great for children in the public and private education system as well as homeschooled children. Print the United States Map and color each state as you study it. Keep map at the front of your notebook for use with each state. Print the State Information Sheet and fill in the information as you find it. Print the New York State Outline Map and fill in the state capital, large cities and state attractions that you find. Answer the following questions on lined paper in complete sentences. State Capital What is the capital?Virtual Tour of the State CapitolState Flag What is Justice holding and what do they represent?Flag Quiz/PrintoutState Flower When was the state flower officially adopted?State Fruit When was the state fruit adopted?State Bird When do these birds return north?State Animal What is the state animal?State Fish Where are these fish found?State Insect How does this insect help gardeners?State Fossil What crab is this fossil related to?State Shell How do these scallops swim?State Tree When was the state tree adopted?State Gem What color is this gem?State Song Who wrote the state song?State Seal When was the current seal created?State Motto What is the state motto and what does it mean?State Muffin Make this state muffin and enjoy with the state beverage!State Beverage What is the state beverage? New York Printable Pages - Learn more about New York with these printable worksheets and coloring pages. Fun in the Kitchen - The official muffin of New York State, the Apple Muffin, was created by elementary school children in North Syracuse, New York. Try their official recipe. Presidents born in New York: Theodore RooseveltFranklin Delano Roosevelt History - Learn about the history of New York. Big Apple Factoids - A New York Matching Game - be sure to read the facts after you find the match! New York Underground - New Yorkers go about unaware of what is happening just beneath their feet: Power pulses, information flies, and steam flows. Go on this virtual field trip underground! Niagara: The Story of the Falls - Take a journey down the perilous Niagara River, play the daredevil trivia adventure, explore the timeline of falls firsts, and discover surprising stories in snapshots of the falls. Empire State Building - Find fun facts, go on a photo tour, and play some games. The Chrysler Building - Pictures of this New York City skyscraper. Word Search - Find the hidden New York related words. Coloring Book - Print and color these pictures of the New York state symbols. Fun Facts - What is the states longest river? Read these fun New York facts and find out. Capitol Minutes - Short audio presentation of historical and educational interest. Buck Mountain - Take a virtual hike up Buck Mountain. Crossword Puzzle - Can you solve the crossword puzzle? Word Find - Find the hidden New York State Regions. Word Scramble - Can you unscramble these New York State symbols? Odd New York Law: It used to be illegal to ring the doorbell and disturb the occupant of a house.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Perestroika Deception Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Perestroika Deception - Research Paper Example â€Å"It is also the world’s largest country in terms of area, described to be nearly twice the size of the United States. 1 It has also the biggest nuclear arsenals in the world. The Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Accident in 1986 is just one of its nuclear plants.2 â€Å"Its national language is Russian. Slavs account for the majority of the population.†3 Russia is also one of those nations that had structural and ideological changes that affected the whole world. One of these radical changes is the what they call â€Å"Perestroika†from the derivative word Russian perestroika : pere-, around, again (from Old Russian) + stroika, construction (from stroit', to build , from Old Russian stroiti , from stroji, order)3 . Comes with Perestroika is the word â€Å" Glasnost†which means â€Å"openness†. 4 â€Å"In communist regimes crises are usually hidden from the outside world; because of the absence of democratic processes and the suppression of internal opposition, popular political, social, and economic discontents accumulate and threaten to develop into serious upheavals or revolts of the entire population against the system as a whole.†5 There are lots of questions and debates which remain unanswered about Perestroika. For example, the â€Å"Perestroika Deception†is like an opened pandora’s box by Anatoliy Golitsyn who warns of an imminent threat from communist community which strategizes to bring all countries (communist and non-communist countries) into One-World Order of Communism? or is it just a political structural policy to shape domestic issues? Did Russia actually benefit from it or not? These are just some questions which this paper would like to try to gather and present some answers. 1 â€Å"Moscow-Rich in Russia- Facts & Stats†, Oct. 2003. Frontline World. Available from 2 â€Å" Russian History Timeline. History Timelines. [da tabase online], n.d. 3 â€Å"Perestroika’s Root Word†, American Heritage Dictionary, ( accessed April 01,2011) 4 â€Å"Glasnost†, Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, (accessed April, 03, 2011) 5 Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies For Old:The Communist Strategy of Deception and Disinformation (accessed April 03, 2011) Thesis Statement The centerpiece of this paper is â€Å"Perestroika†. However, Perestroika is being presented from two points of view. The first point of view would come from the point of view of a Western critic as he perceives it from what Mikhail Gorbachev would like people to perceive. The second point of view is a radical twist from what it is being showcased to the world as revealed by a high KGB official and defector in the person of Anatol iy Golitsyn. He claims that Perestroika is a huge deception of the communist bloc and is just part of a bigger grand strategy of the World Communist community intended to defeat existing countries with the ideologies of democracy. This paper seeks to present in a logical and chronological manner how events have build up from its roots up to how it was uncovered. This paper intends to present the following: one is, to reveal the real issues about Perestroika as showcased to the world against its part of deception; second, is to identify and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Theoretical Writing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Theoretical Writing Assignment - Essay Example Cultivation theory According to Gerbner (1969), television determines how a person looks at society. Television is broadly accessible to all people. Moreover, as Gerbner (1969) says, television is becoming very powerful because it is seen as a part of modern living and personal lifestyle. Unlike other types of media, television is one media of mass communication that is accessible to people right from childhood (Bryant & Zillmann, 2002). In this case, the television becomes the main way that people have acquired information, both general information and cultural reality. In this regard, as people grow old, television becomes a major part of determining how they view things. Reality is based on the general information that people gather while growing up. Because of this, it can be said that a person’s reality is based on the information they have gathered over time, whether in a formal or an informal way. A child in Africa who has no television may have a completely different v iew of reality from one in the United States. In the developed world, television has become the centre of cultural learning. Cultural artefacts are learnt through television. Television is a perfection of the society. Because most of the programs in television are fiction acted out by a well directed model, it creates the perfect world for individuals. The role of television in the modern developed world can be best understood by looking at the way culture was passed on before mass media. Cultural festivals were important in every society as a way to hand down important cultures. In this case, the cultural festivals and other cultural norms passed down from the older generation acted as a way to create a reality for the society. It is important to note that even in early days before the arrival of modern mass media most of the cultural reality was created with the intention to achieve something. Modern television may be geared towards cultivating a reality that will promote consumer ism to the benefit of the corporate world (Gerbner, et al., 1986). In the past, these perceived realities were created as a way to preserve the society and make people easy to govern. Looking at television, one can identify that television is just a modern extension of the tradition ways of passing on reality to the society. Before television, society created reality by telling specific stories which were told to children since they were young and this created a reality for them. There has not been much change about this due to a number of reasons. First, a look at television shows that deletions is used to tell (factious) stories which are bent towards changing the way an individual thinks about reality (Paisley & Stone). This is why over fifty percent of American believes that there are aliens who have visited this plant with UFOs despite there being no scientific evidence of such events. Violent TV shows There has been a greater debate ion how violent television shows affects an individual, especially young adults. This debate is very important because it has very serious implications. Most people still believe that the various grass incidences of mass shootings in public schools and other public places by young adults has been caused by violent video games. So the question that every person should be answering is whether these people who have
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The origins of two modern Jewish groups Essay Example for Free
The origins of two modern Jewish groups Essay Q1- Describe the origins of two modern Jewish groups and explain the ways in which they have developed. There are two main Jewish group, reform Jews and Orthodox Jews. In some ways the groups could be seen as opposites but thought this is partly true both groups have their similarities to each other. Orthodox Jews are very strict when it comes to their religions. A colloquial term used by Jews for the word strict is frum. The more frum the Jew is the more strictly he or she keeps to the mitzvots given by God to Abraham. There are many different Jewish groups as well as these including Jews for Jesus. Jewdaism is the personal relationship between god and the Hebrews which was established through Abraham. Abraham is believed by Jews to be the first person to recognise and worship the one god. Moses is also an important figure because he united the Jews as a people when god brought them out of slavery in Egypt. Moses was also the person who was given the Torah (Laws and Teachings) by God on Mt. Sinai. Chassidics are the traditional Jews follow the laws of Judaism very closely, both written and oral. They believe that the laws from god are absolute and unchanging. Orthodox Jews are willing to accept Jewish traditions and practices and realise their importance even if they dont observe them themselves. The major reason that Jews divided into the two main groups, Reform and Chassidism was all to do with the way that Jews were treated in history. In Eastern Europe during the 17th century many thousands of people were living in poverty. Part of the reason for this was because of an uprising when Sweden and Russia invaded Poleland. This caused many thousands of deaths and it effected the economy dramatically. Before the uprising many talented young men had the opportunity to attend the Yeshivot (Talmudic academies) which was where your learned intensively about the Torah. After the uprising, numbers of people that could enter the Yeshivot decreased rapidly because only large town could afford the costs of maintaining such a place. This meant that thousands of Jews could not be educated and it left them feelings if they were second-rate Jews and that god didnt value them. Reform Judaism came about during the time of the French revolution, it was a time when European Jews were recognised as citizens in the countries they lived for the first time. It was a great time for the Jews because for the first time they had the freedom to settle where the pleased, dress as they liked and have occupations they wanted, all the ghettos were being abolished and special badges were no longer worn. It was because of this freedom that many Jews began to live outside Jewish districts and lived like their neighbours, this meant they spoke less Hebrew and more of the language of the land. They also went to public schools and universities and began to neglect Jewish studies. In 1815 after Napoleons defeat Jews lost their rights to citizenship in several countries. It was because of this that may Jews converted to Christianity to retain these rights. Rabbis saw this problem but no matter how hard they tried to convince Jews not to go to public schools and universities it didnt work. Leopold Zunz suggested something different. He tried to get the Synagogue services to change, he wanted them to be spoken in the local language and have local music. However, local Rabbis didnt like this idea and change it back. Was this just proof that they werent prepared to move with the times? Shortly after this Rabbi Abraham Geiger suggested the observances be change to suit modern people. He discovered that Judaism had gradually but steadily changed over the last 2000 years to make Judaism easier to follow for modern people and he decided it was time for some more changes in order to make the religion more attractive to Jews. Between 1810 and 1820 three cities in Germany; Seesen, Hamburg and Berlin made some dramatic changes such as mixed seating in the Synagogue. Many rabbis of reform movements took a rejectionist view on some traditional rituals. For example: * Circumcision was seen to be barbaric and not practiced * The Hebrew language in the liturgy was replaced with German * The hope for restoration of the Jews in Israel was officially renounced. * Bar Mitzvah was replaced with a confirmation ceremony * The laws of Kashrut and family purity were officially declared repugnant. * Shabbat was observed on Sunday * Traditional resurrections on Shabbat behaviour were not followed. Orthodox Jews dont believe in the above changes and see it as compromising. The dont see reform Jews to be Real Jews, infact many dont see them as Jews at all. Q2- Describe the worship and lifestyle of these and explain how this reflects and assists beliefs. Because Chassidic Jews along with all Orthodox Jewish groups see the Torah as being divinely inspired and sacred they follow every word while Reform Jews see it as guidance from god that can be interpreted. Orthodox Jews have very long synagogue services each Sabbath lasting up to _________hours. Reform Jews dont always go to the Synagogue, sometimes they only go on special occasions such as Rosh Hashanah. If they do go on the Sabbath the reform service usually only lasts _______hours. Another difference is what they do on the Sabbath. While Chassidic Jews dont do any of the 39 things considered to be work on the Sabbath, most reform Jews do. They think the laws dont apply to modern Jews. Reform Jews see the Sabbath to be on a Sunday to fit in with the Western way of life. Chassidic Jews try their hardest to follow all the mitzvots and go to a lots of effort in trying. Strict orthodox even by pre-torn toilet paper so they dont have to tear. They will not turn on light switches or even the TV. Reform Jews will. Kosher food is another aspects of Jewdaism in which Chasidic and Reform Jews differ in opinion greatly. Chassidics keep to all the food laws such as no fish with cartilage and no birds of prey as well as how all meat is prepared. Reform Jews however do not keep to these laws. Circumsision was abbolished by reform Jews after being classified as Barbaric. Chassidic Jews however see it as a symbol that connects all Jewish boys to Abraham, the Father of the Jews. Bar Mitzvahs were also changed by Reform Jews replacing it with a confirmation ceremony. Reform Jews do not hope for restoration of the Jews in Israel and it was officially stated that Germany was to be the new Zion. Traditionally all Jews wanted to return to the Promised Land given to them by god. Festivals such as Yom Kippur and Rosh Hishanah are acknowledged by Reform Jews as well Chassidics but are not necessarily taken as seriously especially when it comes to the reasons behind the festivals. A Jewsish marriage is pretty much the same for Orthodox Jews and Chassidic Jews both with being under a Chuppa and the Ketuba. However reform Jews permit divorce while Chassidic forbid it. Q3- Jews should try an overcome the differences between groups and Unite. Do you agree? Include different points of Views. There is an obvious reason why the Orthodox and reform Jews should unite. It would mean they have larger numbers and thy could work together. They could learn things from each other and together they could conquer problems, which they may face. They would also appear more powerful and influential, which means gentiles, would respect their beliefs and traditions more. If compared to Christianity, Catholics have many people all with the same general belief but each with a different degree of observance. If Catholics are able to overcome their differences why wouldnt Jews. On the other hand though, Reform Jews and Orthodox Jews have different beliefs. Orthodox Jews think Reform Jews are compromising and dont want to be associated with this. Chassidic Jews go to a lot of effort to keep to the commandments and mitzvots and think it is unfair that Reform Jews still call themselves Jews when the dont put half as much effort or commitment in. Reform Jews dont see the changes they have made as a compromise, they see it as modernisation. They believe as the people change the religion should change to fit. They interpret things differently. For example, not working on Shabbat, they see this to have its literal meaning, not going off and doing your job. Orthodox Jews see work to be the 30 jobs it took to build up the temple in which they worshipped thousands of years ago before they found there promised lands. This means they dont create fire or anything that could be associated with fire like electricity and many other things. Since the Reform Jews have split from the Orthodox hundreds of years ago they have grown apart and now have their own ways o doing things. If there was wars between the two groups over there differences then obviously there needs to be a change but Judaism is the worlds oldest religion and thy have got along fine for thousands of years. I think if Jews are happy with having separate groups then it is their decision and they should be able to stay this way.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Power of One :: essays research papers
In the novel The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay, heroism is expressed in many different ways and in different characters. According to the dictionary a hero is defined as â€Å"a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deed and noble qualities†(Webster). Forms of Heroism are expressed in ways such as, bravery, determination and intelligence. Peekay, the main character, shows heroism in many ways such as bravery. Peekay has to stand up to the Judge and many others when he was young at a boarding school. Peekay had to go through a lot of torture from the Judge and other kids, and he took it so well it shows bravery and the kind of person he is. Anyone who can go through torture such as that should be considered a brave hero. Hoppie showed bravery to Peekay by saying, â€Å"first with head, then with heart†(Courtenay, 103). This was a tip Hoppie, another boxer, gave to Peekay that helped him stay relaxed and brave when in a fight. Peekay can not only use Hoppies quote while in a fight, but also in his life. Peekays bravery showed how Peekay would be defined as a hero. Determination is shown in many different characters, but mainly in Peekay. For example, Peekay was determined to become an extravagant boxer just like Hoppie. He had to overcome many childhood fears that he had. He was determined to be a great boxer just like Hoppie. Determination brought Peekay to becoming the champion boxer of South Africa. Peekays intelligence was one of the main things that make him a hero. He is intelligent in a way that he overcame his oppression. Meaning he overcame his weakest points in life, his mental scaring. Peekay showed it by leaving a physical scar on the Judge. Peekay had to fight the Judge and by using his intelligence to overcome his weakest fear he crossed out the Judges Swastika tattoo and carved his initials and the British flag instead. Peekay knew that by doing this it would help him overcome his fear.
Monday, November 11, 2019
A Critical Review of Erikson’sTheory Essay
The Psychosocial Stages of Development is Erik Erikson’s major contribution to personality formation. According to his theory, an individual passes through eight stages of development. Each stage has its own unique characteristics. This paper will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of Erikson’s Theory as well as its application to adult learning and in real life. A Critical Review of Erikson’sTheory Erik Erikson’s Theory Explained Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development holds a significant place as far as studying and understanding human development is concerned. His place in psychology cannot be discounted because of the contribution he gave to the field. Although Erikson’s theory is similar in some aspects with other personality development theories, there are some unique distinctions as well(Marshall, n.d). His theory is comparable with Freud’s theory in a sense that both of them believed that the development of an individual passes through various stages. The difference between the two theories is that while Freud’s development stages focus on the libido or sexual drives, Erikson’s psychosocial stages focuses on the evolution of social traits(Marshall, n.d). According to Erikson’s theory, an individual passes through eight critical stages throughout his life. Each of these stages have their own unique attributes and time period. As the individual goes through each development stage, their ultimate goal is to successfully complete each stage before they can proceed to the next. Failure to complete a stage may have unfavorable outcomes to the individual(Chapman, n.d). For instance, in Erikson’s sixth stage of development which is Intimacy vs. Isolation, the failure of the child to develop socialization skills or the ability to form relationships may cause him to become a loner, individualistic, uncomfortable with other people, and others(Chapman, n.d). Erikson’s theory indicates that throughout the life of an individual, they will experience a certain crisis. In the development stage mentioned above, the conflict they experience is their inability to develop social skills(Chapman, n.d). Application to Adult Education The psychosocial stages of Erik Erikson is an implication that the formation of individual personality does not stop in childhood but is a lifelong process. The negative consequences of incomplete stages may manifest themselves during the later stages of life which is why it is important to as much as possible succeed in each stage(Chapman, n.d). For individuals who successfully completed each stage, they will have an idea of what to do when they are faced with a similar situation. Most of the time, these individuals tend to be stronger amidst the adversities of life(Chapman, n.d). Another implication of Erikson’s Psychosocial stages of development is that the person will have a better understanding of themselves, their strengths, weaknesses, their skills, abilities, and others(Chapman, n.d). Critical Analysis of the Theory An in-depth criticism of Erikson’s theory is presented by Professor George Boree of Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania. He raised the following points concerning the psychosocial stages of Erikson(Boeree, n.d): Things happen in a certain sequence and not because of biological programming. For example, one cannot have the ability to love unless they have developed sexual maturity. The timing for each stage may vary from one culture to another. For instance, a baby can start talking earlier or much later than what is indicated. Nowadays, people get married even before reaching 18 or 21 years old. Erikson’s theory is applicable and useful to various cultures and in any period. It is applicable to current and future generations. Conclusion  Understanding of the self is a life-long process. It does not stop at Stage Eight of Erikson’s Psychosocial Development. Likewise, identity crisis can take place at any point of life. The most important thing is that parents play a major influence in the successful formation of their child’s personality. References Boeree, G(n.d). Erik Erikson. Shippensburg University. Retrieved July 2 2008 from   Chapman, A(n.d). Erikson’s Psychosocial    Development Theory. Retrieved           July 2 2008 from            erik_erikson_psychosocial_theory.htm#freud’s_psychosexual_stages Marshall, J(n.d). Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development. Kid’s Development. Retrieved July   2 2008 from              EriksonsPsychosocialDevelopmentTheory.html
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Descriptive Essay on a Scene Essay
As a child there was only one place I could describe as my home away from home. That place was my grandmothers. My Mimi’s has always been the true meaning of safe haven to me. Even today, as an adult, I find myself frequenting my Mimi’s house to visit my grandparents and bask in that peaceful feeling that, as far as I am concerned, can only be found there. Specifically, when I am in my Mimi’s kitchen I am engulfed with that welcomed comfort and serenity I can find nowhere else. The kitchen’s bar holds memories of a child sitting on it and being told all about life and the ways of the world, while the cabinets hold all kinds of cooking utensils that have been used to make food for family and fellowship, and then there is the fridge that, with all its photographs and family recipes magnetized on it, show a sense of family and tradition. Ann Jones’, or Mimi as most call her, kitchen is not a place known by many. It is a well-kept secret among family and is a sight to behold. This space has a wooden bar that surrounds the entire room. When you look at this bar it is plain to see that it is not unique in any way, but if you look deeper than its exterior view the cuts from a knife a woman used for chopping vegetables, while she educated her granddaughter on the ways of the world, can be seen clear as day. There are deep indentions from when she would lose her concentration in her chopping by becoming so enticed with talking to her only granddaughter. To some this bar is much more than ordinary. Read Also: Topic for a Descriptive Essay In this spacious kitchen, cooking utensils can also be found all through the many different cabinets. When looking at these tools, it is plain to see that they have all been used numerous times for cooking many different meals. Sometimes used for numerous different cuisines to host large family and friendly gatherings between loves ones. Other times used to make small scratch made meals for the close family that visits as much as possible. Though all meals are made with love and secret recipes, it is those two kinds of cooking that leaves a mark that all of these pots, pans, and other kitchen tools show. Covering all sides of the fridge, many different pictures and recipes can be seen. It is this that gives the kitchen its sense of tradition and the warm feeling of family. The photos vary between all the people who pass by and stop for a visit. It is these people who are called family, whether they have the same blood or not. The recipes are where the tradition can be found. Some passed down for years and some newly acquired, but all have a purpose in the growing background and tradition that is being built in that very kitchen. My Mimi’s kitchen is old-timey and is has had no new or modern updates done to it. It certainly will not be winning any awards for best dà ©cor any time soon. Though it can be seen as ordinary in some ways, my Mimi’s kitchen has a very unique atmosphere and background. It is this extraordinary background that has shaped the look and feel of this place into something that cannot be imitated or duplicated. It is truly one of a kind.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Gender Inequality And The Wage Gap Amongst Executives
Running head: GENDER INEQUALITY AND THE WAGE GAP AMONGST EXECUTIVES Gender Inequality and the Wage Gap Amongst Executives Jennifer Banks University of Wyoming Abstract Male dominance is defined as fair, reasonable, and in the best interests of society. This false ideology creates gender inequality and a wage gap. A social policy, the Fair Pay Act of 200, was passed in order to combat these problems. The social constructions that surround the act and hinder its effectiveness are patriarchy, hegemonic masculinity, and the conservative nature of social institutions. The Fair Pay Act was intended to branch as far as college and university campuses, yet parity has not been reached among female and male presidents. Corporate culture and archetypal symbols of leadership also obstruct the Fair Pay Act. However, if the Fair Pay Act eventually succeeds, women can be change agents, and change corporate culture without imposing a hierarchy. The Fair Pay Act has not failed, but rather lacks the power to attack social constructions, which are at the core of gender inequality and the wage gap. Often the terms sex and gender are used interchangeably in conversation. Yet there is a huge distinction between the two. Sex is biological, while gender is sociological. This essentially means that gender is a social creation, and a biased as well. Gender refers to masculinity and femininity, and one could say that masculinity and femininity are societal euphemisms for male dominance and female subordination. However, hegemonic masculinity and subordinate femininity are not conspiracies. Rather, they are the result of widely accepted ways of thinking that define male dominance as fair, reasonable, and in the best interests of society. This false ideology creates many social problems, one of which is gender inequality. And in the realm of economics, a wage gap is created. Expanding further into this social proble... Free Essays on Gender Inequality And The Wage Gap Amongst Executives Free Essays on Gender Inequality And The Wage Gap Amongst Executives Running head: GENDER INEQUALITY AND THE WAGE GAP AMONGST EXECUTIVES Gender Inequality and the Wage Gap Amongst Executives Jennifer Banks University of Wyoming Abstract Male dominance is defined as fair, reasonable, and in the best interests of society. This false ideology creates gender inequality and a wage gap. A social policy, the Fair Pay Act of 200, was passed in order to combat these problems. The social constructions that surround the act and hinder its effectiveness are patriarchy, hegemonic masculinity, and the conservative nature of social institutions. The Fair Pay Act was intended to branch as far as college and university campuses, yet parity has not been reached among female and male presidents. Corporate culture and archetypal symbols of leadership also obstruct the Fair Pay Act. However, if the Fair Pay Act eventually succeeds, women can be change agents, and change corporate culture without imposing a hierarchy. The Fair Pay Act has not failed, but rather lacks the power to attack social constructions, which are at the core of gender inequality and the wage gap. Often the terms sex and gender are used interchangeably in conversation. Yet there is a huge distinction between the two. Sex is biological, while gender is sociological. This essentially means that gender is a social creation, and a biased as well. Gender refers to masculinity and femininity, and one could say that masculinity and femininity are societal euphemisms for male dominance and female subordination. However, hegemonic masculinity and subordinate femininity are not conspiracies. Rather, they are the result of widely accepted ways of thinking that define male dominance as fair, reasonable, and in the best interests of society. This false ideology creates many social problems, one of which is gender inequality. And in the realm of economics, a wage gap is created. Expanding further into this social proble...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
An Analysis Of A Doll s House Essay -- A Dolls House, Henrik Ibsen
A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen, has created huge controversy since its creation in 1879. In fact, in order for Ibsen’s play to be shown in some theatres, he was required to rewrite an alternative ending, which he called â€Å"a barbaric outrage.†The three-act play is about an everyday housewife and mother of three children, Nora Helmer. In order to save her husband’s life, she forges her dying father’s signature and takes out a loan from Nils Krogstad. She spares any money Torvald gives her and secretly writes documents for money to pay back the loan in small portions. When her husband is promoted to manager at the bank, his first task is to terminate Krogstad. Krogstad threatens to tell Torvald about the crime Nora has committed unless she is able to persuade her husband to keep Krogstad. When Nora fails to preserve his job, Krogstad places Nora’s doom in the mailbox. Out of rage, Torvald demands his wife to leave but reads another letter from Krogstad saying he had a change of heart and would not reveal her crime to the public. Torvald begs Nora to stay. Nora senses she has been a doll to her father and husband her entire life and needs to leave to gain her independence. During this time society would reject the thought of a mother ever leaving her family; after all, this is her greatest duty. The United States government collected data of divorces over a one hundred year span from 1867 to 1967 and found â€Å"a consistent increase for a period of 80 years, 1867-1946†(Plateris 9). They also discovered that the rates â€Å"indicate that in 1890, the first year with data by martial status, 3.0 couples per 1,000 were divorced†(Plateris 9). Since we know there is a constant increase, we can also conclud 385). This quote proves her foolishness when she blames Torvald and her father for her own sin. No one forced Nora to commit her crime; she made the fully conscious decision by herself. Overall, Nora is unjustifiable for leaving her children and husband in order to find herself. Some say this was the beginning of the feminist movement but it was not. â€Å"All female or no woman at all, Nora loses either way, qualifying neither as a heroine nor as a spokeswoman for feminism. Her famous exit embodies only ‘the latest and shallowest notion of emancipated womanhood, abandoning her family to go out into the world in search of ‘her true identity’ †(Templeton 117). Nora is without justification when she chose to leave. She could have found alternatives to handle this situation in a better way but instead she remains narrow-minded, sophomoric, thoughtless, and self-centered.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Pricing Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Pricing Problem - Essay Example The progress of a pre-negotiation plan that does not reflect any kind of rigorous analysis, assessment and examination through element of cost will lessen the accomplishment of obtaining a reasonable and fair price. Where there is a departure from the established negotiation objective, the memorandum of the price negotiation should not only recognize the negotiated results but also reproduce the same level of rigor and severity in the examination, assessment and basis for its acceptance. In the absence of sufficient price competition, the contracting officer should apply and document in the pre-negotiation plan the analytical and systematic techniques that will help evaluate whether a proposed price is reasonable and fair. The pre-negotiation plan is an official document and certificate of the negotiation objectives of the contracting officers with regard to pricing, business, technological and contractual issues. It documents the pertinent issues and problems to be negotiated and the objectives of cost and a profit or fee objective. Due to the fact that it serves as a foundation of the negotiation, the pre-negotiation plan must completely explain the positions of the government and the contractor. The template, which is integrated as Attachment-A, is provided to help contracting officers in the examination of their negotiation objectives when cost analysis is necessary to support negotiations. â€Å"Contracting activities are encouraged, through implementation level procedures, to establish additional templates that are more aligned with the specific needs of their organization and procurements†(â€Å"Negotiation Documentation: Pre-Negotiation Plan & the Price Negotiation Memorandum†). Completely explain the findings and recommendations of the evaluators, auditors and others providing advisory assistance, foundations of their findings and the extent to which they were involved in the
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